FAQs I get about Homeschooling.

Year unknown. This is me celebrating New Year’s Day with my my mom several years ago.

YAYYY!!! Because I finally feel ready to openly talk about Homeschooling.

For the longest, I felt like this topic was way too personal to discuss.

Yet, homeschooling majorly impacts the way I do business because I always try to put my family first. My ideal client also puts their family first 🥰

Here are some FAQs that I get about homeschooling:

  1. How long are you doing it for?

    • My answer: Until I feel like the Lord would like me to do something differently. As of right now, we are happy, my kids are happy, and we are enjoying life at home. To me, life is school.

      My kids are welcomed to pursue higher education or whatever they want when they get older.  I too, have an undergrad degree and think education is a WONDERFUL investment if you can afford it. For now, we are taking it one step at a time.

  2. Why?

    Honestly the reasons are VAST but to spare you minutes of your life, I’ll give you 3 of my top reasons:

    • Freedom. When my eldest daughter was going to Pre-K 3 for 3 weeks, it was a hassle just to do her homework and get her to bed by a certain hour. I enjoy slow mornings.

    • Creativity: We learn what we are currently interested in and at our own pace. I believe creativity is the foundation of everything a kid learns in their future.

    • Safety: Mass shootings and sexual abuse are too common IMO.

  3. Will your kids be socially awkward?

    • We go to church several times a week, the library AT LEAST once a week, and visit extended family or friends almost EVERY weekend. NO I am not the least bit concerned these kids will be socially awkward 😁

June 23, 2024. Family portrait taken on self-timer.

BONUS QUESTION: Did I always see myself doing this?

Nope, nope, and nope. I used to tell my husband there was no way in million years I’d be keeping my kids at home! (you can ask him). My biggest concern was that I would lose my time, money, and freedom. Yet here we are and haven’t run into any major setbacks. Also just as a side note, what I love about homeschooling is the SAME THING I love about business: being a teacher and a helper ❤️

Is it ever boring or tiring? Bruh, you have to keep these kids entertained!! (or atleast I feel like I do). Not all of it is always fun. There’s so much responsibility you take on as your child’s full-time teacher yet I can truly say I wouldn’t have it any other way.

August 07, 2023. Juliana plays with washable paint.

This post is NOT meant to ENCOURAGE you to homeschool. I believe each family has unique circumstances and homeschooling is NOT the only way to properly educate a child.


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