Session Start Times

My role during this photography process as a WHOLE is to help guide you into creating lasting memories that look good on camera.

So if at ever at all you have any questions, don’t be afraid to contact me directly! My business email is

Outdoor Photography Sessions

The time of day we are going to meet is dependent upon a variety of factors including but not limited to location and weather.

  • for outdoor shoots in a plain field like Terry Hershey Park you can expect to meet during sunrise or sunset. Your prompt time of arrival is important to get the most out of your session. Sunrise and sunset can move fast sometimes so I always recommend arriving to your photography session at least 15 minutes early.

  • For outdoor shoots on cloudy days I like to meet around two hours after sunrise or two hours before sunset. So as you can see, sometimes we have to make changes the last second due to weather conditions. I keep communication with you the entire time. If we have to reschedule due to weather conditions, don’t worry, I will work with you to see when is the soonest date we can get you on the schedule.

Indoor sessions

So lately, I’ve been getting more inquiries for AT HOME photography sessions. I LOVE having the opportunity to enter your humble home and truly enjoy and observe the experience of love in your family.

For at-home or studio sessions, you can expect to meet Saturday mornings to early afternoon. These are lengthier sessions as we really are trying to get you relaxed and capture the magic as it unfolds.

At-Home sessions have MANY benefits, including:

  1. An intimate session- you can expect to reserve 2 hours out of your day.

  2. Convenience- take a snack break, listen to music, you do you.

  3. A different style- the setting of your home is unique and personal (there’s no place like home).

For more information on at-home sessions, please reach out to me directly!


FAQs I get about Homeschooling.


Creative Locations to do a Photoshoot in Houston