FAQs I get about Homeschooling.
Sharing the most common questions I get about homeschooling in order to break the ice around the subject.
Year unknown. This is me celebrating New Year’s Day with my my mom several years ago.
YAYYY!!! Because I finally feel ready to openly talk about Homeschooling.
For the longest, I felt like this topic was way too personal to discuss.
Yet, homeschooling majorly impacts the way I do business because I always try to put my family first. My ideal client also puts their family first 🥰
Here are some FAQs that I get about homeschooling:
How long are you doing it for?
My answer: Until I feel like the Lord would like me to do something differently. As of right now, we are happy, my kids are happy, and we are enjoying life at home. To me, life is school.
My kids are welcomed to pursue higher education or whatever they want when they get older. I too, have an undergrad degree and think education is a WONDERFUL investment if you can afford it. For now, we are taking it one step at a time.
Honestly the reasons are VAST but to spare you minutes of your life, I’ll give you 3 of my top reasons:
Freedom. When my eldest daughter was going to Pre-K 3 for 3 weeks, it was a hassle just to do her homework and get her to bed by a certain hour. I enjoy slow mornings.
Creativity: We learn what we are currently interested in and at our own pace. I believe creativity is the foundation of everything a kid learns in their future.
Safety: Mass shootings and sexual abuse are too common IMO.
Will your kids be socially awkward?
We go to church several times a week, the library AT LEAST once a week, and visit extended family or friends almost EVERY weekend. NO I am not the least bit concerned these kids will be socially awkward 😁
June 23, 2024. Family portrait taken on self-timer.
BONUS QUESTION: Did I always see myself doing this?
Nope, nope, and nope. I used to tell my husband there was no way in million years I’d be keeping my kids at home! (you can ask him). My biggest concern was that I would lose my time, money, and freedom. Yet here we are and haven’t run into any major setbacks. Also just as a side note, what I love about homeschooling is the SAME THING I love about business: being a teacher and a helper ❤️
Is it ever boring or tiring? Bruh, you have to keep these kids entertained!! (or atleast I feel like I do). Not all of it is always fun. There’s so much responsibility you take on as your child’s full-time teacher yet I can truly say I wouldn’t have it any other way.
August 07, 2023. Juliana plays with washable paint.
This post is NOT meant to ENCOURAGE you to homeschool. I believe each family has unique circumstances and homeschooling is NOT the only way to properly educate a child.
Session Start Times
Giving you general knowledge about the sun and how timing affects your photography session
My role during this photography process as a WHOLE is to help guide you into creating lasting memories that look good on camera.
So if at ever at all you have any questions, don’t be afraid to contact me directly! My business email is
Outdoor Photography Sessions
The time of day we are going to meet is dependent upon a variety of factors including but not limited to location and weather.
for outdoor shoots in a plain field like Terry Hershey Park you can expect to meet during sunrise or sunset. Your prompt time of arrival is important to get the most out of your session. Sunrise and sunset can move fast sometimes so I always recommend arriving to your photography session at least 15 minutes early.
For outdoor shoots on cloudy days I like to meet around two hours after sunrise or two hours before sunset. So as you can see, sometimes we have to make changes the last second due to weather conditions. I keep communication with you the entire time. If we have to reschedule due to weather conditions, don’t worry, I will work with you to see when is the soonest date we can get you on the schedule.
Indoor sessions
So lately, I’ve been getting more inquiries for AT HOME photography sessions. I LOVE having the opportunity to enter your humble home and truly enjoy and observe the experience of love in your family.
For at-home or studio sessions, you can expect to meet Saturday mornings to early afternoon. These are lengthier sessions as we really are trying to get you relaxed and capture the magic as it unfolds.
At-Home sessions have MANY benefits, including:
An intimate session- you can expect to reserve 2 hours out of your day.
Convenience- take a snack break, listen to music, you do you.
A different style- the setting of your home is unique and personal (there’s no place like home).
For more information on at-home sessions, please reach out to me directly!
Creative Locations to do a Photoshoot in Houston
a very small lists of photoshoot locations (thinking outside the box)
The benefit of hiring me as your photographer is, I ABSOLUTELY LOOOVE Houston❤️ And that means I’m passionate about providing you the best service while we photograph in these sweet spots I consider home. These are all my images. There are other locations I have in mind to scout, once I do I may make a second blog post.
Let’s get right into it, here are my favorite locations (so far) to shoot in Houston.
Eleanor Tinsley
I started my photography journey at this park so this location is near and dear to me. Eleanor Tinsley offers a diverse range of backdrops from the Houston skyline to the bridge over Buffalo Bayou. For this location, I recommend shooting during sunrise, because parking can get hectic and the park gets busy in the evening.
2. The Black Labrador
This location is petite, but gorgeous! I love the medieval appeal it has to it; someone mentioned that the architecture reminded them of a traditional German home. This location is very shaded so we are not limited to “golden hour” shoots. When I spoke to staff members walking by, they said photoshoots are allowed during closed business hours.
3. Chapel of St. Basil
Located in the University of Saint Thomas, this location is STUNNING as you can see in the photos. These photos were taken in the middle of the afternoon, around 1:30pm. Most photographers don’t shoot during that time because the light is harsh.
However, I believe the best time to shoot here would be at that scary time lol. The reason is, do you see that beautiful architecture… the wall that looks like a turning page? I believe you can only get those shadows during mid-afternoon. And those bright, beautiful white walls do such a great job at reflecting light!
4. Montrose - Westheimer
urban, fun area
What Career to Pursue in Life.
5 steps to discover your perfect career choice
The quick answer is you have options and it’s up to you to figure it out.
The long answer: How to figure it out 😂 in 5 steps:
I recommend journaling:
Okay look, I don't have it all figured out... but through journaling I've gotten to know myself so much better. I write down thoughts even if I can't put them into sentences quite yet. My journals from 10 years ago look something like this:
"Art. Creativity. Connection to people."
Those thoughts kept reoccurring so I just continued to write them down. What my soul longed for became so clear as I looked back at my journals.
Ask God to give you a vision and the right motives.
I've literally prayed this prayer: "God, please make the right career choice obvious. Make it so obvious that it's as if a piano has fallen out of the sky".
You'd be surprised to see how God answers your prayers. For me, it was little hints from my dad and even strangers.
I know for a fact God gives each of us certain talents, gifts, and tastes. They are given to you so that you will be a blessing to others.
Know that God has a purpose for you.
It's one of the only scriptures I know by memory, "'For I know the plans I have for you', says the Lord, 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future’”- Jeremiah 29:11.
It's important to KNOW this by faith because there will be plenty of times when you have self-doubt. Instead of relying on yourself, focus and trust on the CREATOR who made you.
I believe this is the key to life: Lean into God and everything else will be added onto you.
And do it A LOT. Who cares about what anyone else says or thinks. Learn new skills and see what STICKS.
I've wanted to be many things in life. Want me to list them? Teacher, nurse, social worker, school councelor, Zumba instructor, hair-stylist, make up artist, physical therapist... the list goes on and on.
I've tried to dibble dabble in a little of each thing. A wanted to be a nurse so I got a job in a hospital and realized the setting was not for me. Make up artist—tried it and it didn’t ignite my fire. Teaching—I became a substitute teacher in order to get a closer look into the field and also realized it’s not for me. I am still inspired to teach and blogging/photography helps scratch that itch.
Try things THAT YOU LIKE TO DO. After a while, you'll notice some things just stick. Water the heck out of the talents you do pursue. Eventually it will grow.
Pray for God to show you His approval by blessing it with success and abundance.
Psalms 90:17
In Jesus name.
I know it can be confusing especially when SO many options are available to you! One of the best pieces of advice I’ve heard from my friend, Vanessa, is: ACTION CREATES CLARITY.
It’s impossible for you to see the full picture right now. Take a leap a faith today… just a tiny step. What does that look like for you?
But God.
God can use ANYTHING and turn it into good
Mama Cande holding Juliana who is crying which happens quite often 😆
You guys, let me tell you about my Mama Cande.
When I was about 11 years old, my birth mom, Gloria, passed away. It continues to be the hardest loss I’ve ever endured. Not even a year later, my step-sister, Mayra, also lost her life in a tragic car accident.
Those times were so difficult. I was without a mother. Mama Cande was without a daughter. But God.
I get teary eyed just thinking about it. But God brought us together even we didn’t recognize His plan and His goodness at the time. We struggled with our relationship for many years. There was so much hurt and resentment between us both. With time, we learned to love and trust one another. Together we learned to trust God’s plan.
When I was a young lady, like ages 20-25, I struggled with knowing my self-worth and dated men that were no bueno. I always heard Mama Cande’s voice in my head, “Quiérete a ti misma. Encuentra un hombre que te valore.” (Learn to love yourself. Find a man who values you).
And I did. And I owe it to her for not giving up on me.
Mama Cande is my angel sent from heaven. Of course, my mom Gloria will never be replaced just as my step-sister, Mayra, will never be forgotten either. I just want to give credit where credit is due. God deserves the Glory. His faithfulness is so good and it never runs out on us.
God can use ANYTHING (our broken pieces, imperfections, hardships, and adversity) and turn it into good for those who love Him.
Romans 8:28